• Freight Brokering Services

    Freight Brokering Services

    Why Should You Use A Freight Broker?
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Why Should You Use A Freight Broker?

Many businesses have limited resources and time to establish relationships with trucking carriers to move their product on a routine basis. Therefore, they hire freight brokers. A freight broker is in constant communication with the trucking industry and has the expertise to negotiate competitive freight rates with the carriers all while taking in account the customer’s requests.

A shipper’s core concern is manufacturing a product and distributing it. The freight broker’s core concern is moving those products from origin to destination and having it arrive to the customer in its desired condition. With the limited in-house resources it can get very expensive for the shipper as well as time consuming to handle all the necessary work of setting up shipments directly with carriers. Shippers must focus their attention on what matters most and that is their product and let the freight broker handle the shipping of that product.

Freight brokers use their sheer amount of volume done with carriers to benefit the customer directly by getting the most competitive freight rates upwards of 80% off. Many trucking companies do not have a sales staff and some of which just have one truck and driver so they must rely on a freight broker to keep their business going. This established relationship between the freight broker and carrier helps make it routine for both ends and keep things running as smoothly as possible.

In summary, a shipper uses a freight broker rather than attempting to set-up their shipment themselves due to the convenience, cost-effectiveness, and expertise in the field by the freight broker. They are geared to a commitment of excellence in customer service, from the initial shipping quote inquiry to the arrival of our customer’s shipment at its final destination.